While our politicians, papers and commentators fall on either side of the food bank debate, we look back at poverty and charitable welfare in the 1930s.
While our politicians, papers and commentators fall on either side of the food bank debate, we look back at poverty and charitable welfare in the 1930s.
This miniature gilt locket with pull out concertina of 12 albumen prints is a photographic souvenir from the wedding of the world’s most famous little people.
Shortly after Wilhelm Röntgen announced his discovery of X-rays, Josef Maria Eder and Eduard Valenta produced their portfolio of prints using the new technology.
Our research centre isn’t just for visitors interested in photography, cinema, TV and the internet—we recently welcomed a researcher whose enquiries were of an entirely architectural nature…
Thomas Galifot from the Musée d’Orsay recently visited our archives to research female photographers from 1839–1945 for a Paris exhibition.