What do Queen, Depeche Mode and The Police have in common with Miles Davis and the soundtrack of The Terminator? The answer is in this playlist dedicated to one of the most iconic objects in our Sound Technologies collection: the Oberheim synthesizer.
Stefania is a Researcher at the National Science and Media Museum.
A collaborative sound map, launched during the #SonicFriday project, collects lockdown sounds from the UK and beyond and shows how people have reacted to them. And it’s still open to new contributions—read on and discover how to join in!
An example of the Fairlight CMI, a groundbreaking synthesizer, is part of our Sound Technologies collection. Discover its history and influence on pop music through this video playlist.
Join the #SonicFriday campaign! Every Friday we will be collecting memories and stories related to music, sound and sound technologies—from your favourite soundscape to your first CD!