Today, we take correct exposure for granted, but things were very different in the past. Colin Harding sheds some light on the murky world of exposure meters.
Today, we take correct exposure for granted, but things were very different in the past. Colin Harding sheds some light on the murky world of exposure meters.
Simple design, mass production and lifelong customers—it’s easy to see why George Eastman was determined to bring photography within the reach of everyone with the Brownie camera.
Frederick Scott Archer’s discovery revolutionised photography by introducing a process which was far superior to any then in existence, yet he was to die just six years later in poverty.
The Kodak Gallery now plays host to one of our most amazing discoveries: the earliest moving colour film. Our timeline charts the full story of how Lee and Turner’s film came to be.
Installing a new exhibition can involve many hurdles—it’s not all just hanging pictures on a wall—and today we tackled quite a challenge.