One week on and we’re still buzzing about our fantastic STEMTASTIC Physics event! Featuring 10 schools, 250 students and a load of scintillating science, the STEMTASTIC Schools Day was an action-packed extravaganza of all things physics.
Supported by our friends at the Ogden Trust, the event took place on Thursday 6 December, welcoming new faces (and sharp minds) from BD5 and Holme Wood. For many children, this was their first visit to the National Science and Media Museum—and what better place to start than in our wonderful Wonderlab?
The kids explored the wonders of Wonderlab with STEM Ambassadors, who shared their science expertise, chatted about careers in science, and had a crack at the interactive exhibits too!
A big element of the day was making physics—and the people that use it—accessible to young people. Srivaas (pictured above) was one of 15 contributors on the day. Students spent time with a host of different professionals, all using physics in different ways.
Speakers came from lots of different backgrounds—from academia to industry to the arts. In our Meet the Scientist session, Dan Fox spoke about how physics informs his work as a sound artist.
Physics supports a world of careers. It also supports a world of ideas. During the day students learned about the physics of stars, bats, mechanics, microscopes, volcanoes… and even rollercoasters!
As well as talking physics, students got to do plenty of physics too. Our rollercoaster workshop was run by Leeds University and the Ogden Trust. Our Noisy Toys workshops mixed physics and engineering, giving participants the chance to break down speakers and hear (and see) the physics of sound.
Getting hands-on is one way to open hands and minds to physics. But when it comes to opening people’s eyes, only one thing will do: a trip to our IMAX cinema!
All in all, STEMTASTIC was a fantastic, fun-filled day. We certainly got a kick out of being part of it, and loved bringing the students, schools and scientists together.
However, we couldn’t have done this without the amazing support from our friends at the Ogden Trust. Ogden are a fantastic organisation who promote physics in schools (and beyond!). They’re determined to get more people studying and enjoying physics—we’re therefore super happy they could support us with our big STEMTASTIC Day. Thanks Ogden!